Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Kath wins at life.

My best friend Michelle has been reading my blog! Yay! And shes been mega linking me to lots of foodie blogs for my blogroll! We were talking about how hard it becomes to eat healthy on your own, without any kind of other foodie blogs, cookbooks, or recipes from friends. I told her that I enjoyed my daily routine, but I knew that if I didn't change it up, it would get old soon.

Living in Southern California everyday is mostly beautiful and hot, and so enjoying cold cereal with fresh raw fruit is super yummy, but lately we've been having these weird cold spells and now I have a yummy hot cereal to eat when it's cold! Yay!

Michelle linked me here, to Kath Eats' blog. It's a super awesome vlog about her classic oatmeal, which I had heard about, but had never made. Obviously on a whim I didn't have EVERY ingredient but I think I did pretty well considering. For those of you who prefer a written version (of what I made) to Kath's vlog, you can read on. Or just watch her vlog and come up with your own versions.

I started with quick oats (not from Costco, but I think I might have to put those on my list since this oatmeal was so yummy)and 2% milk. 1/2 a cup of each, plus an additional 1/2 cup of water.

I threw it all into a pot over med-low heat and let it come to a slow boil. Then I sliced up the other half of my banana I saved from breakfast yesterday and threw that in there too so it could get all warm and gooey.

Then I got out the rest of my ingredients, or "toppings" as Kath calls them. Pure Vanilla Extract (if you don't have it, just step away from the computer and go buy some. I NEVER use the imitation stuff, let this be a life lesson), Light Brown Sugar (dark has more molasses)1/4 cup of toasted walnuts (mircowave them for 1:30 min), and Cinnamon.

I set aside the walnuts and added the rest into the oatmeal as it was simmering on the stove, then dumped it all into a bowl, topped it with the walnuts and added a tsp of peanut butter since I didn't have the almond butter Kath recommend.

Seriously it was uber yummy. The peanut butter got all melty on top and I eventually mixed it in. I'll most likely try this again with some other toppings and maybe use pecans instead of walnuts next time, cuz I tend to have more of an affinity for pecans. I didn't bother doing a calorie count, but I assume it's not too much higher than 300, if it even reaches that. If anyone wants to make it and do the calorie counts, by all means let me know. Here's my finished product in all its warm oatmealy gooey glory.

ALSO! If you use FoodBuzz, add me as a friend!! and BUZZ ME!

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  1. That is one of my favorite food blogs ever.


    love those too!

  2. I think I have carrotncake on the blogroll, I'll check out eatliverun

    and I'm not getting married (bitch), but when I do! I'll be picking your brain for blogs!

  3. definitely. I've got that covered! I'm such a dork.and you know about www.hungry-girl.com right?


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